Astro component for TEI as Custom Elements
Astro component for TEI as Custom Elements
Astro Space Agency is a component library for withastro/astro with spaceship building in mind
Optimize your site images -
Use Elm components within Astro
Use Cooklang recipes within Astro
Collection of utils for blogging with astro
Image Optimization tools for the Astro JS framework
An Astro integration for Lyra
A astro type writter writen in pure js
Embed player for terminal sessions (recorded with asciinema) in your Astro project. Using asciinema player under the hood. Comes with full asciinema player settings support, typings and docs hints.
Smartlook component for Astro
A component for embedding Mastodon posts in an Astro site.
An Astro plugin that binds keyboard keys for actions like focus on search box and others
Integrate the ImageKit media provider in your Astro projects. Auto-synchronization, CLI, Component.
Showing the Github Stars badge on Astro
Astro component that makes it easy to render themeable svg file icons.
Anyone can submit an integration to Astro. If you have questions about building your own integration, join our community on Discord!
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